Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Voice work with Hong

1. Feel Centred

Stand with the feet parallel to each other

Feel the weight of the body in the feet

Lean forward a bit

Lean backward a bit

Lean to the left a bit

Lean to the right a bit

Lean in circles

Feel the weight of the body spread out evenly in the feet

In the big toes

In the small toes

In the heels

2. The Breathe-out Noise

Stand centred

Let the hands rise above the head

Breathe in

Let the upper torso drop to the front when breathing out

Let the upper torso hang in front

Feel the breathing

Breathe into the lower abdomen

Breathe in

Voice out when breathing out

Roll up the spine slowly vertebra by vertebra

3. Feel Anchored

Palms together in front of the chest

Let them rise above the head

Hands apart and clenched into fists

Bring them down to the sides in a classic bodybuilder show-off pose

Relax all those parts of your body below the shoulders

Let the arms drop to the sides

Feel the shoulders open

Feel the chest open

Feel vulnerable

Feel confident

4. The Newspaper Voice

Stand centred and anchored

Take a deep breath

Voice out

Hear the voice

Imagine carrying a newspaper under each arm

Feel the muscles engaging

Hear the difference

5. The Shoulders Pushed-down Voice

Stand centred and anchored

Take a deep breath

Voice out

Hear the voice

Push down the shoulders

Imagine pushing down the elbows against an upward force

Feel the muscles engaging

Hear the difference

6. The Breathy "har"

Place a hand in front of the mouth

Create the breathy "har"

Hear and feel the passage of the breath

Create "ar" without the breathy "h"

Hear and feel the difference

7. The Voice in Shock

Place the tip of the tongue right behind the lower front teeth

Place the torso of the tongue right beneath the upper teeth

Imagine crying out loud after being shocked

Voice out after one quick breathe-in

8. Tilting

Practice creating vibrato

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